New post's...
New technology / 'Smartphones' & their graphic spec's...iphone and ipad, google's android,blackberry, I could go on.. Sample how to create an icon or button: here
Phil & slider sample...
Below here, you have Phill Lynott, painted in a live act in O'Sullivans Irish Pub in the south of France.Acrylic & mixed media on canvas, 100cm x 100cm. On the right, a slider showing some iphone & ipad is a developing site with cool art, wallpapers and general graphics down-loadable for presentation use. To see for yourself, go to 'ipadarts' @ ''.
Below left,a tutorial I made for PSD magazine. A detailed Photoshop tutorial from a sketch to a realistic finish.An online version can be seen @ ''.
Right is a detailed image published in an erotic magazine in the states..
Publicity - Decoration,wall murals,artistic paint effects,Perpignan...
Decoration Perpignan,France.
Featured pub's & café's...
Below: Two examples of wall art, left, a 'rustic chimney with a design feature. Right: a Guinness wall effect built with plaster techniques, painted at O'Sullivans Irish Pub, Albi, France. "Go see more examples of O'Sullivans " @ SULLIVANS.
Pub's & café's continued...
Left / A Jameson lightbox built over a counter of the Galway Irish Pub. Right: A mural in the Café Populaire, Toulouse, France. Visit the populaire gallery... "@ POPULAIRE"
Right / "Roots" Racines in french, winner of the jury prize this year in Toulouges , France.
Flash plugins...
I make it my objective to take the time to provide full assistance to all your needs . I aim to be patient, helpful and understanding ,throughout the process of your job, specifying your website & design requirements 'or be it an illustration or painting, or concept for interior decoration',and actually creating your project.