,phone arts,free wallpapers and beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

stephen mc grogan

iphonearts / Visit the official website <a href="">iphonearts</a>,phone arts,free wallpapers and beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone.,phone arts,free wallpapers and beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone Web design,freelance designer,xhtml,css,menus,graphics iphonearts / Visit the official website and download <a href="">iphonearts;/a>

Feature / A wordpress project...

Below there is a wordpress example '' I created and modified, on the right anillustration created with illustrator and photoshop.

iphone graphics Red

Graphics & slider sample...

Below here, are two gallerys.One with a slider showing some iphone graphics I made for the company 'ipotainment' available at the app store, the other samples of quality graphics both vector and photoshop.

iphone graphics iphone graphics


Below left,a tutorial I made for PSD magazine.A detailed Photoshop tutorial from a sketch to this realistic finish.An online version can be seen 'HERE'.

Right is a detailed image published in an erotic magazine in the states..

Red Red

Find me on Freelancer. stephen66 - wallpapers and beautiful arts & designs for 'your' ipad and iphone...

Stephen Mc Grogan.

Welcome to my gallery.

illustration and fine art samples

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I make it my objective to take the time to provide full assistance to all your needs . I aim to be patient, helpful and understanding throughout the process of specifying your website & design requirements and actually creating your website.

Copyright and image rights all belong to stephen66 / Freelancer.

© 2010 stephen66. Valid CSS & XHTML find me @ stephen66