iPad wallpapers,facebook profile pictures,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

free ipad wallpapers,facebook profile pictures,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

   wallpapers and beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone.  ipad wallpapers,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone

hello .

StephenMc Grogan facebook page: welcome

iPadwallarts.facebook profile pictures,©

Add any image to youe contacts of forward 'share' with friends.

copyright stephen mc grogan

Free wallarts for iPhones 3&4G***

music graphics on iPadarts.org

Bono & U2 on your iPhone iPad...


Bit about Bono & U2 ...

Paul David Hewson (born 10 May 1960), most commonly known by his stage name Bono,is an Irish singer, musician, and humanitarian best known for being the main vocalist of the Dublin-based rock band U2. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and attended Mount Temple Comprehensive School where he met his future wife, Alison Stewart, and the future members of U2.Bono writes almost all U2 lyrics, often using political, social, and religious themes. More here ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bono*

Belfast through the eye's of a child

Below, Stephen Mc Grogan's artwork..

iPadarts.org catagorys

iPad & iPhone Wallart's ?...

iPadarts.org catagorys

Wallart's? 'Say what?...

"Wallart's are iPad & iPhone background images.facebook profile pictures too.You can apply them to any of your contact's,mms, send to friends or upload to facebook with your personel message's...enjoy. "

iPad / new Wallart's ?...

phil lynott...

Feature / Phil Lynott ... illustrated by Stephen Mc Grogan.

Feel free to copy and send this image to support us,...join the silver members section & get high res images of Phil,iphone 3SG, 4, iPad and all smartphones. This is for the British Transplant Games being held in Belfast 2011 Join now...

copyright stephen mc grogan

Join now & save life. / Sign up now

Sign in to iPadarts.org

Free wallarts for iPhones 3&4G***

music graphics on iPadarts.org

Feature:Lucy Evangelista

Lucy Evangelista is a former Miss UK 2006 and Miss Northern 2005...

Below,Over the years Lucy has received many titles to her name such as 5th most photogenic face in the world 2005, placed 20th in the world out of all major beauty competitions which include 460 entries from a range of global beauty competitions. Lucy is most successful Miss Northern Ireland to compete at the Miss World Competition...read more about Lucy...

Voodoo child...

copyright stephen mc grogan


Add any image to youe contacts of forward 'share' with friends.

copyright stephen mc grogan

Latest post...

Jimmy Hendrix,the legend...

Below, Jimmy Hendrix, Illustrated with Adobe illustrator and imported into Photoshop for some cool background effects.You can add this image to any of your contacts, "see Jimmy when a friend calls,neat eh?"

copyright stephen mc grogan


'Smartphones' & their graphic spec's...iphone and ipad, google's android,blackberry,We will be illustrating how to create an icon or button for different models...


copyright apple computers


And a detailed image published in an erotic magazine in the states..

pastel drawing


stephen mc grogan

Special ! ...

Work with us ?...

Comming very soon, illustrated short storys.If you are interested in creating a scenerio,designing,drawing,writing or other cool ideas,please feel free to contact ipadarts Art department.Contact ipadarts

All subject's welcome! ...

ipad illustration by stephen mc grogan

ipad art, wallpapers,iphone wallpapers,beautiful art & designs for your ipad and iphone & smartphone...

{ iPadarts,Intelligent artistic exchange & innovative design }

Don't forget,doners benifits...

For more Hi-Resolution wallpapers & monthly updates (contact sheets) & help "organdonation.nhs.uk" The money raised will help to fund the British Transplant Games, which is being held in Belfast for 2011.. Members @ ' Here with iPadartsarts.org'.

Sign up here

Ipad Wallart ? What can I do with them ? ( all images iPhone3GS, iPhone4G & iPadiPad2 mobile device's *** "exact resolution" )

Hold finger on any image / choose 'save image' / image is now in your photos. Share it, email it ,MMS, assign to contact, use as wallpaper (wallart) or print.. 'voila' enjoy, Stephen Mc Grogan, Art Director,iPadarts.org

Artists & models invited...

'Do you think you have it in you?'iPadarts.org would be glad to see your work,(portfolio -old school) we are looking for origional talent, all peopke, medium's or mixed media accepted / Use your imaginatation. Why not co-operate with us,we could make it worth you'r while, just contact & address th Art Department. Compitions will be open so keep an eye on the news..

Below left , model Lucy Evangelista, right "love hearts"...

 illustration by stephen mc grogan ipad illustration / stephen mc grogan

Bono, by Stephen Mc Grogan...illustrator

***No watermark's inside site... (just sign-in and get the **'real thing'** (lol) ** Learn how to design an image like this from a sketch to illustrator, a detailed tutorial as a member..Get Paul with no watermark's in members section.. (learn more°°) info/members/news.

Bono by stephen mc grogan

Fantasy. Stephen Mc Grogan,DA iPadarts (illustrator © )

Bono by stephen mc grogan

Celtic art. Stephen Mc Grogan,DA iPadarts (illustrator / Photoshop © )

Bono by stephen mc grogan Time to make a change , illustrated by Stephen Mc Grogan

If you have any suggestions or want to advertise,partnership or simply talk with us

Contact ipadarts

Copyright and image rights all belong to me : © 2011 stephenmc.grogan@gmail.com. stephenmc.grogan@gmail.com